Buy workers and other ants to collect food, also make sure to have at least one Queen, if you run out of food or queens you lose.


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Future updates:

*Easy, Medium and Hard mode,

*scout ants,

*breeder ants,

*fungus farm,

*Ant Capacity

*New Highscore off score

*fixing invaders

These are all my plans for what to add in the future, for now, please suggest others in the comments. :D


UPDATE LOG:  Please report any bugs in the comments, thanks :)


*11.4- Ants now face sideways instead of diagonal, digger ants live for longer


*11.31- Greatly reduced growth times of all ants


*11.3- Small update to title screen

*11.2- removed invaders

*11.1-diggers find worms less often now

*11.0- Huge update to queens, all queens are now clones and are the same, your queens will die over time, if all your queens die you lose, as well as if you run out of food.

*10.2-Updates to Super Worker Stats

*10.1-Honeypot Ants: make you lose food slower, Super Workers, faster, bigger, collect more food and live longer than regular workers 

*10.0-Added a shop so the layout of the game is much neater

*9.3- Updated Digger Ant, moves and turns slower, has a chance to find worms underground w*9.2- Bug fixes to mute/unmute button

*9.1- Fixes to Invaders

*9.0- Invader Ants

*8.2- What's in my Draw?

*8.1-new music

*8.0- added in soldier ants, but no enemies yet.

*7.4- New digger skin

*7.3- Fixes to "very sunny" weather glitch, and extra nursers glitch, change of nurser skin.

*7.2- fixed food not spawning glitch

*7.1- change in song

*7.0- added in nurser ants, nurser ants reduce time it takes for ants to grow up

*6.2- added new slides about weather to the instructions.

*6.1- new queen ants no longer tunnel under the ground and disappear.

*6.0-Weather is added:

Rainy- rain drops will kill ants that they hit.

Sunny- just normal.

Cloudy- food spawns a bit slower.

Foggy- food spawns much slower

Very Sunny- food spawns much quicker.

*5.14- more balanced food collection by workers and an extended life to ants so they don't die as commonly before they hatch.

*5.13- updates to worker speed.

*5.12- New Skins for food

*5.11- Major Update to games code

*5.10- Controllable ant doesn't supply infinite food anymore

*5.9- Queen doesn't glitch into the ground at the start

*5.8- Small Update to digger ants, Controllable ants can collect food now

*5.7- Update to statistics

*5.6- Fixed the rate of food loss so that it is the amount of ants and larvae

*5.5- Improved losing screen

*5.4- eggs don't fall below screen and food doesn't fall down tunnels.

*5.3- Instructions added! 

*5.2- Controllable ants can now collect food, just collect it and bring it to the queen

*5.1- Bug fixes, eggs shouldn't fall below the screen and digger ants have a limit that they can't dig below.

*5.0!- Music and a mute/unmute button added in!

*4.5- Diggers and Controllables can't dig below the main chamber anymore, extra workers from extra queens spawn at the original queen

*4.3- Fixed controllable ant making new surface tunnel

*4.2- Digger ants no longer dig into the sky

*4.1- (work in progress) controllable ants do not affect worker ants anymore

*4.0- Ants hatch and develop at an average speed of 71.25 seconds.

*3.9- Ants hatch and develop at and average speed of 97.5 seconds. corrected spelling of larvae

*3.8-  Update to title page

*3.71- Minor Bug fixes (ants always turning left)

*3.7- A major bug fix of not being able to buy ants.

*3.6- New title screen and End screen. Queen glitch still occurring.

*3.5-New classes like digger and controllable now working! However Queen glitch still occurring.


Nursers make the time for ants to grow up shorter by 5 seconds for all 3 stages of an ant's life (15 seconds shorter) per nurser.


This is just a simulation. You buy different classes of ants with food and try to raise your nest. If you run out of food you lose.

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